

19期Happy Hour:Harnessing the Power of IoT for Data Analyticsand Artificial Intelligence Applications

发布日期:2023-11-30 发表者:陈治国 浏览次数:

天成彩票 2023年第19期总85期Happy  Hour

报告题目:Harnessing the Power of IoT for Data Analyticsand Artificial Intelligence Applications

报告人:Ooi Boon Yaik
   Ooi Boon Yaik obtained his PhD from the School of Computer Sciences,Universiti Sains Malaysia in year 2012. Не is currently an Associate Professorin Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FICT), Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Malaysia. Prior to joining UTAR, he was аsoftware engineer in Motorola (Malaysia) for approximately а year. Hеcompleted his MSc in Computer Sciences in year 2007. His thesis is aboutCPU usage patterns discovery for resource availability prediction indistributed environment such as grid and cloud computing. For his PhD, hecontinues to study on autonomous resource management solution fodistributed environment. Hе is a professional technologist of Malaysia Boardof Technologists (МВОT), a member of ІEEЕInstrumentation andMeasurement Society and а reviewer to international journals such as ofIEEE Internet-of- Things Journal, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation andMeasurement (2019 - 2023), and IEEE Instrumentation and MeasurementMagazine (2019). His research interest revolves around distributed computersystems such as Artificial intelligence of Things, Internet-of-Things (IоT),Cloud Computing and Enterprise Computing.
