











li.li (at) mail.tclotto.net




天成彩票 ,农业微生物学国家重点实验室




1994.9-1998.7 武汉大学 物理系 物理学专业 学士

1998.9-2004.3 中科院高能物理研究所 粒子物理与核物理 博士


2004.7-2007.7 清华大学生物系 博士后

2007.7-2011.4 华中科技大学物理学院 副教授

2011.5-2016.4 Emory University, USA 博士后访问学者

2016.7至今 华中农业大学天成彩票 生物信息系,教授



Zhaohui Qin, Ben Li, Karen N. Conneely, Hao Wu, Ming Hu, Deepak Ayyala, YongseokVictor Jin Park, Fangyuan Zhang, Han Zhang,Li Li, Shili Lin(2016) Statistical challenges in analyzing methylation and long-range chromosomal interaction data.Statistics in Biosciences,In press.

Jing Xu,LiLi, Jie Xiong, Aaron denDekker, Andrew Ye, HacerKaratas, Liu Liu, He Wang, Zhaohui S. Qin, Shaomeng Wang and Yali Dou (2016) MLL1 and MLL1 fusion proteins have distinct functions in regulating leukemic transcription program.Cell discovery, In press. (共一作)

Amar M. Singh, Yuhua Sun,Li Li, Wenjuan Zhang, Tianming Wu, Shaying Zhao, Zhaohui Qin, and Stephen Dalton(2015) Cell-Cycle Control of Bivalent Epigenetic Domains Regulates the Exit from Pluripotency.Stem cell reports, 5:323-336.

Li Li, Xiaowen Lyu, Chunhui Hou, Naomi Takenaka, Huy Q. Nguyen, Chin-Tong Ong, CaelinCubeñas-Potts, Ming Hu, Elissa P. Lei, Giovanni Bosco, Zhaohui S. Qin and Victor G. Corces (2015) Widespread rearrangement of 3D chromatin organization underlies Polycomb-mediated stress-induced silencing.Molecular cell, 58:216-231.

Lipeng Wu,Li Li, Bo Zhou, Zhaohui Qin, and Yali Dou (2014)H2B Ubiquitylation Promotes RNA Pol II Processivity via PAF1 and pTEFb.Molecular cell, 54:920-931.(共一作)

Fang Cao, Elizabeth C. Townsend, HacerKaratas, Jing Xu,Li Li, Shirley Lee, Liu Liu et al. (2014). Targeting MLL1 H3K4 methyltransferase activity in mixed-lineage leukemia.Molecular cell, 53: 247-261.

Kevin Van Bortle, Michael H. Nichols,Li Li, Chin-Tong Ong, Naomi Takenaka, Zhaohui S. Qin, and Victor G. Corces. (2014)Insulator function and topological domain border strength scale with architectural protein occupancy.Genome biology15: R82.

Wendy A.Kellner, Kevin Van Bortle,Li Li,Edward Ramos, Naomi Takenaka, and Victor G. Corces (2013) Distinct isoforms of the Drosophila Brd4 homologue are present at enhancers, promoters and insulator sites.Nucleic acids research, 41:9274-9283.

Chunhui Hou,Li Li, Zhaohui S. Qin, Victor G. Corces (2012) Gene Density, Transcription, and Insulators Contribute to the Partition of the Drosophila Genome into Physical Domains,Molecular Cell, 48:471-484. (共一作)

Xiangzhi Li,Li Li, Ruchi Pandey, Jung S. Byun, Kevin Gardner, Zhaohui Qin, Yali Dou (2012) The Histone Acetyltransferase MOF Is a Key Regulator of the Embryonic Stem Cell Core Transcriptional Network.Cell Stem Cell, 11:163-178. (共一作)

O. Adriani et al., L3+C Collaboration (2010) Observation of a VHE cosmic-ray flare-signal with the L3+C muon spectrometer,Astroparticle Physics, 33:24-29.

P.Achard et al., L3 Collaboration (2008) Study of the solar anisotropy of cosmic ray primaries of about 200 GeV energy with the L3+C muon detector,Astronomy and Astrophysics, 488:1093-1100.

Ming Wu,Li. Li, Z. Sun (2007)Transposable element fragments in protein coding regions and their contributions to human functionalproteins.Gene. 401:165-71.

LiLi, Y. Huang, X. Xia, Z. Sun(2006) Preferential Duplication in the Sparse Part of Yeast Protein Interaction Network.Mol.Biol.Evol.23: 2467-2473.

Yun Zhou, R. Wang,Li. Li, X. Xia, Z. Sun (2006) Inferring functional linkages between proteins from evolutionary scenarios.J.Mol.Biol.359: 1150-1159.

P.Achard et al., L3 Collaboration (2005) Measurement of the shadowing of high-energy cosmic rays by the Moon: A search for TeV-energy antiprotons,Astroparticle Physics23: 411.

LiLi, F. Zhang,R. Wang,H.Chen,Y.Ma (2004) Track Finding of Cosmic Multi-muon Events in the L3+C Muon Detector.High Energy Physics & Nuclear Physics28: 749-752.

P.Achard et al., L3 Collaboration (2004) Measurement of the atmospheric muon spectrum from 20 to 3000 GeV.Physics Letters B598: 15-32.

LiLi,L3 Collaboration(2003) Nature of 100 TeV Hadronic Interactions in the Forward Region See from Muon Data of L3+Cosmics Experiment.Proceedings of XXVIII International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC), Tsukuba,Japan, pp.399-402.

O.Adriani et al., L3+C Collaboration (2002) The L3+C detector, a unique tool-set to study cosmic rays.Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A488: 209-225.