南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 刘东旭)近日,华中农大油菜团队联合生物信息团队在国际期刊Plant Biotechnology Journal在线发表题为“Comparative transcriptome profiling reveals the multiple levels of crosstalk in phytohormone networks in Brassica napus”的论文。该研究通过涵盖7种激素处理的198份转录组数据对油菜中不同激素处理下基因的全局响应进行解析,差异表达基因分析显示不同激素处理下的基因响应是动态变化的。
Phytohormone是指植物通过自身代谢产生的、在很低浓度下就能产生明显生理效应的一些有机信号分子。植物激素可在合成部位发挥功能,或经维管系统运输到距合成部位相对较远的组织中起作用。植物激素调控植物生长发育及环境适应的各个过程,它们既相互独立又协同调控植物种子萌发、营养生长、生殖生长、胚胎发育、种子成熟和休眠等生长发育过程。植物激素自发现以来,已广泛应用于农业生产等领域,产生了巨大社会经济效益。此外,不同植物激素间存在大量相互作用(Depuydt and Hardtke 2011)。系统解析激素之间互作有助于预测特定功能基因的丧失或过度表达对植物整体响应的影响。在模式植物拟南芥中,利用转录组图谱和蛋白互作组揭示了全局水平的激素互作关系(Nemhauser et al 2006),但在其它植物中特别是异源四倍体油菜,不同激素间的互作仍是未知的。
已在多个生物学过程中表征了赤霉素和细胞分裂素之间的拮抗作用(Jasinski et al 2005),但关于二者稳态和信号转导间的直接调控关系却并不清楚。本研究发现,赤霉素在诱导甘蓝型油菜中细胞分裂素生物合成相关基因BnaIPTs表达的同时,抑制细胞分裂素代谢相关基因BnaCKXs的表达,从而促进内源活性细胞分裂素的积累。进一步研究发现,赤霉素信号阻遏蛋白BnaRGA通过促进BnaCKXs的表达降低内源细胞分裂素水平。此外,外源细胞分裂素处理可通过诱导赤霉素合成相关基因(如BnaKS、BnaKO、BnaGA20OX1等)的表达来促进活性赤霉素GA3的积累。上述结果揭示了赤霉素与细胞分裂素间新的相互作用关系。
Plant hormones are the intrinsic factors that control plant development. The integration of different phytohormone pathways in a complex network of synergistic, antagonistic and additive interactions has been elucidated in model plants. However, the systemic level of transcriptional responses to hormone crosstalk in Brassica napus is largely unknown. Here, we present an in-depth temporal-resolution study of the transcriptomes of the seven hormones in B. napus seedlings. Differentially expressed gene analysis revealed few common target genes that co-regulated (up- and down-regulated) by seven hormones; instead, different hormones appear to regulate distinct members of protein families. We then constructed the regulatory networks between the seven hormones side by side, which allowed us to identify key genes and transcription factors that regulate the hormone crosstalk in B. napus. Using this dataset, we uncovered a novel crosstalk between gibberellin and cytokinin in which cytokinin homeostasis was mediated by RGA-related CKXs expression. Moreover, the modulation of gibberellin metabolism by the identified key transcription factors was confirmed in B. napus. Furthermore, all data were available online from //yanglab.tclotto.net/BnTIR/hormone. Our study reveals an integrated hormone crosstalk network in Brassica napus, which also provides a versatile resource for future hormone studies in plant species.
审核:戴成 杨庆勇