南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 刘洛涛)近日,天成彩票
人工智能与知识发现团队在CCF A级人工智能国际会议“The 32nd International joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2023)”发表题为“Multi-view Contrastive Learning Hypergraph Neural Network for Drug-Microbe-Disease Association Prediction”的研究论文。研究团队提出了一种自监督超图神经网络方法,解决了现有模型多元关系预测性能较差以及在稀疏样本上性能欠佳的问题,并将其应用于药物-微生物-疾病三元关联预测,可用于指导发现微生物相关疾病的治疗药物。该项研究是AI for Science在药物发现领域的成功应用范例,致力于开发创新性的人工智能模型以解决生物医学健康领域的重要问题。
Identifying the potential associations among drugs, microbes, and diseases is of great significance in exploring the pathogenesis and improving precision medicine. There are plenty of computational methods for pair-wise association prediction, such as drug-microbe and microbe-disease associations, but few methods focus on the higher-order triple-wise drug-microbe-disease (DMD) associations. Driven by the advancement of hypergraph neural networks (HGNNs), we expect them to fully capture high-order interaction patterns behind the hypergraph formulated by DMD associations and realize sound prediction performance. However, the confirmed DMD associations are insufficient due to the high cost of in vitro screening, which forms a sparse DMD hypergraph and thus brings in suboptimal generalization ability. To mitigate the limitation, we propose a Multi-view Contrastive Learning Hypergraph Neural Network, named MCHNN, for DMD association prediction. We design a novel multi-view contrastive learning (CL) on the DMD hypergraph as an auxiliary task, which guides the HGNN to learn more discriminative representations and enhances the generalization ability. Extensive experiments show that MCHNN achieves satisfactory performance in DMD association prediction and, more importantly, demonstrate the effectiveness of our devised the multi-view CL on the sparse DMD hypergraph.