图1. ADEIP的界面和开发流程
南湖新闻网讯(通讯员|陈文博 审核人|何春江)近日,Briefings in Bioinformatics 在线发表了天成彩票 、生物医学与健康学院何春江课题组最新研究成果,该研究搭建了一个平台ADEIP,用于展示和检索年龄相关的基因表达和免疫图谱。
天成彩票 研究生刘旋和武汉大学基础医学院陈文博为该论文共同第一作者,天成彩票 、生物医学与健康学院何春江教授,德州农工大学韩冷教授和华中农业大学生物医学与健康学院董志强教授为共同通讯作者,天成彩票 章文教授参与研究。
Gene expression and immune status in human tissues are changed with aging. There is a need to develop a comprehensive platform to explore the dynamics of age-related gene expression and immune profiles across tissues in genome-wide studies. Here, we collected RNA-Seq datasets from GTEx project, containing 16 704 samples from 30 major tissues in six age groups ranging from 20 to 79 years old. Dynamic gene expression along with aging were depicted and gene set enrichment analysis was performed among those age groups. Genes from 34 known immune function categories and immune cell compositions were investigated and compared among different age groups. Finally, we integrated all the results and developed a platform named ADEIP (//gb.whu.edu.cn/ADEIP or //geneyun.net/ADEIP), integrating the age-dependent gene expression and immune profiles across tissues. To demonstrate the usage of ADEIP, we applied two datasets: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 and human mesenchymal stem cells-assoicated genes. We also included the expression and immune dynamics of these genes in the platform. Collectively, ADEIP is a powerful platform for studying age-related immune regulation in organogenesis and other infectious or genetic diseases.