


发布日期:2022-01-20 发表者:陈治国 浏览次数:

(图文|辛西  审核人|杨庆勇)近日,华中农业大学涂金星教授和杨庆勇教授团队在国际学术期刊Journal of Advanced Research上发表了题Comparison of dynamic 3D chromatin architecture uncovers heterosis for leaf size in Brassica napus研究论文,首次从染色质三维结构的视角下探究甘蓝型油菜杂种优势潜在影响机制。



华中农大天成彩票 博士生胡悦、植科院博士生熊杰为该论文共同第一作者。天成彩票 杨庆勇教授、植科院涂金星教授为该论文共同通讯作者。该研究获得国家重点研发计划(2021YFF1000100)、湖北省科技重大专项(2021ABA011)、国家自然科学基金(32070559)、湖北省自然科学基金(2019CFA014等项目资助。



Heterosis is the major event driving plant development and promoting crop breeding,

but the molecular bases for this phenomenon remain elusive.


We aim to explore the effect of three-dimensional (3D) chromatin architecture on the

underlying mechanism of heterosis.


Here, we constructed the North Carolina II (NC-II) population to select superior and inferior heterosis sets by comparing mid-parent heterosis (MPH) in Brassica napus. To decipher the impact of 3D chromatin architecture on the underlying mechanism of heterosis, we combined genetics, transcriptomics and 3D genomics approaches.


We suggest that F1 hybrids with superior heterosis tend to contain more transcriptionally active A compartments compared with F1 hybrids with inferior heterosis, and approximately 19–21% compartment significantly altered in the F1 hybrids relative to the parental lines. Further analyses show that chromatin compartments correlate with genetic variance among parents, which may form the basis for differentially active chromatin compartments. Having more A compartments in F1 hybrids confers a more accessible chromatin circumstance, which promotes a higher proportion of highly expressed ELD (expression level dominance) genes in superior heterosis F1 hybrids (46–64%) compared with inferior heterosis F1 hybrids (22–31%). Moreover, genes related to hormones which affect plant growth, are more up-regulated with changes of 3D genome architecture, and we validate that increased hormone content contributes to cell proliferation and expansion by influencing the key genes of cell cycle thereby promoting leaf size.


Dynamic 3D chromatin architecture correlates with genetic variance among parents and contributes to heterosis in Brassica napus.
